Anthony Ferrara

Anthony Ferrara works at Grovo as Director of Engineering. He specializes in Object Oriented Design, Application Architecture, Web Application Security and PHP. He is a contributor to multiple Open Source projects, as well as the PHP community as a whole. You can follow his blog at or on Twitter at @ircmaxell.
Talk: Anatomy of a Type System
PHP 7 has arrived! One of the major features that it brings with it is the ability to use scalar typing. Are you ready for it? Join me as we take a tour through PHP 7’s type system from end to end. Don’t know what a type is? Come and find out! Are you a seasoned type user? Come learn how to leverage the new options! Confused about weak vs strict types? We’ll cover concept, theory and practical details of the type system while exploring how PHP’s type system compares to other languages.
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