Chris Sherry

Chris is a Web Application Engineer at We Are Base in Bournemouth and regular contributor to PHPDorset. Starting out as a designer, he has gradually moved more and more towards back end development and dev ops in his career.
Chris is an advocate for the PHP and WordPress communities, and has given talks at PHPDorset, BrightonPHP, PHPSurrey, Barcamp Bournemouth and Barcamp Southampton. He is looking forward to touring more PHP user groups and WordPress user groups this coming year.
Talk: WordPress for the Modern PHP Developer
Chris has a love-hate relationship with WordPress, but whether you like it or not, it powers 23% of the Internet. Many of these projects have outgrown their humble beginnings as blogs or websites and are now highly customised web applications. However the modern tools we use as PHP developers can be tricky to utilise with the popular blogging platform.
This technical talk will guide you through how to make the use of Git, Composer, and other tools familiar to PHP developers within your WordPress install - and help you take back control of your themes, plug-ins, database and environments in a growing application.
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