Dave Hulbert

Dave is the technical lead at Base, switching between leading the development team and writing PHP back ends for mobile apps that need complex real-time data. Based in Bournemouth, he’s co-founder the PHP Dorset user group and loves helping people build up their technical skills. He’s a Zend Certified Engineer, but only because it sounded cool.
Talk: Practical Intro to Using PhpSpec
PhpSpec is a tool for “SpecBDD”. Basically test-driven development (TDD) but without the word “test” in it. This talk shows how to effectively use PhpSpec for fun and/or profit, and the advantages to using it along side other tools like PHPUnit and why it’s “literally” made of awesomesauce.
We’ll start off with a breakneck primer on unit testing and basic TDD concepts. Then we’ll move on to getting set up with PhpSpec, followed by a guided tour of its main features. By the end of the talk you’ll have techniques to take advantage of your natural inclination to lazyness to actually help you write better code.
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